Funny Words
If you and your friends/family use words or phrases that only you know the meaning of, STOP BEING SO SELFISH!! Let everyone share your wisdom here and soon people from the other side of the world will be using it, if slightly mispronounced.
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Newest Words
- Ghettofied
- Ghetto rigged times 10!!!
submitted by Nicole Crocker - Triplefied
- Triple times 3! Or just a whole lot.
submitted by Nicole Crocker - INTJ
- Introverted, intuitive, thinking, judging
submitted by jul - U.S.D
- Unidentified Super Dumbo!!!
submitted by Unowned - Zooted
- Drunk or intoxicated; stoned
submitted by Cameron - Yesternite
- Night before
submitted by TTT - YEOWCH!
- A very formal way of explaining to somebody that you are injured
submitted by Eek.yeowch - Palucha
- Poop
submitted by Sean - Pleat
- Do something cool, be of a cool nature. e.g. "You are pleatful", or when something cool happens: "PLEAT!!!"
submitted by deathy japan - Zulk
- Funny
submitted by Kayden frank