Funny Words
If you and your friends/family use words or phrases that only you know the meaning of, STOP BEING SO SELFISH!! Let everyone share your wisdom here and soon people from the other side of the world will be using it, if slightly mispronounced.
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Funny words beginning with T
- -tacular
- Put this at the end of all of your adjectives and you'll be cool as toast! Examples: "Cooltacular/Cool-tacular!"
submitted by anonymous - -tastic
- Put this at the end of all of your adjectives and you'll be cool as fruit! Examples: "Sweet-tastic!/Sweettastic!"
submitted by anonymous - T-Bag
- To rub your balls on someone's face.
submitted by DUB - T. F. BUNDY
- Totally F***ed But Unfortunately Not Dead Yet
submitted by Sessy - T.A.D.S.
- That's a DAMN shame
submitted by Lissa oliver - T.I.L.F.
- Teacher I'd Like to F**k
submitted by Nurp - T.T.T.T.T.T.T
- Trinket Trading Tick Toting Toothless Tired Tramps
submitted by sid - T.T.Y.L.B
- Talk To You Later Bitch! Say to someone you're pissed off at or to say goodbye to really close friends who know you're joking :)
submitted by Alice Cullen LOL - T.W.I.T.T
- Teenage Women In Their Thirties - Women who act like they never grew up.
submitted by VIkki Stump - Ta'at
- Tap that
submitted by steve ingrassia - Ta tas
- Large toes with ugly toenails
submitted by jeffm! - Tabbospeez
- Idiot
submitted by hannah g - Taboozing
- Tabogoning on any hill you can find
submitted by Moosh - Tac
- Something that is ultra cool! (Ah thats well tac mate!)
submitted by gorgeouslilgirl - Taco
- Vagina
submitted by billie - Tactical Nap
- When you sleep (pass out). Can be shortened to tactical.
submitted by e.l & m. - Tactical Vom
- When you throw up, due to alcohol, so you can drink more
submitted by e.l & m. - Tae Twa
- It means "shut up" in French
submitted by aleksey martinez - Tae-fuck
- "Used as a figmental place where things that go wrong belong e.g. "ach tae-fuck with it"
submitted by PINKLLAMA - Taint
- Part between your ass and your balls (it Taint your ass and it Taint your balls)
submitted by villie - Taint
- Ain't ass, ain't Beaver or Balls....but, between....
submitted by Sir, DragonChaser, ser - Tainted
- When you have had too much to drink and it needs to be mixed with something else
submitted by kunumnum - Take one for the team
- The amazing fellow in your group who shags the fat one so the rest of the lads can score with her mates
submitted by Onceca - Takiin
- Something that smells gross
submitted by Darrell - Talking to the great white telephone
- Puking
submitted by herman - Tall Loved
- To love someone or something to the end up to death
submitted by Elijah P. Massaquoi Sr - Tallyhoe
- A cool name for a keg stand thought up at my redneck family reunion (keg stand: handstand on a keg, while someone holds the tap in your mouth while you drink as much as you can)
submitted by Bones - Tallywacker
- A penis
submitted by dreabia - Taming a Whale
- Hitting on a Fat Girl
submitted by PIP - Tampoon
- Tampons for the large ladies
submitted by KennyM! - Tangle eyed
- Drunk
submitted by chase - Tangle-weed
- Messy bush hair
submitted by dude - Tangoed
- For those girls or feminine lads who go on the sunbeds/wear fake tan until they're glowing orange
submitted by key key - Tank Meat
- The area twinxst anus and scrotum a.k.a the grundle or the choade
submitted by wassabi - Tard
- An extremely dumb person
submitted by boredinbelgium - Tard
- If you ever think that retard takes to long to say just say tard it sounds better =]
submitted by becky - Tardcake
- Someone who is being EXTREMELY retarded
submitted by faithD - Tarded-Again
- (or �Tarded all over again�) RE-tarded (When you want to say retarded without malice aforethought in a politically correct world
submitted by Lizardbreath - Tater tot
- A hooker
submitted by BrEaNnA - Tators
- Lumpy breast milk
submitted by george - Tats
- Refering to something really good
submitted by KennyM! - Taxi
- Said when someone does or says something stupid - "Taxi for so & so!"
submitted by Big dave - TAXI!!!
- Yelled out by a group of people when an individual close by drops something (glass/plate/themselves) as they clearly need to be picked up
submitted by turtl3 - Taxing
- To steal or "borrow" i.e. 'You taxed my chair you bastard'
submitted by THE troublesome three - Tea Bagging
- To dip the scrotum into the tea is made
submitted by Jesse - TEAM
- Together Everyone Achieves More
submitted by ARIF - Teapot
- A term for a gay dude. You know how gay guys stand with one hand on their hip and one hand in the air
submitted by Keera CULLEN - Teaslut
- A whore who discusses sex over a cuppa tea and a biscuit
submitted by Megandy - Technicolor Yawn
- To puke
submitted by Johnny 5 - Ted
- Affectionate greating for friend or aquaintance (especially if Irish)
submitted by Mal - Tegent
- Crazy
submitted by Eddie - Telegraph pole
- Another word for if you're hung like a horse
submitted by chi - Teletubby
- A man with a very small private part.
submitted by Lissa oliver - Telewhacker
- Someone caught in the act of jacking off to video, tv etc...
submitted by Ultimate Insults - Telingana Black Snake
- A very big penis
submitted by Bhangra Boy - Tender
- Someone who is soft - scared
submitted by anonymous - Tententehnen
- Having sex/to have sex
submitted by Bong - Terdnipples
- Used as any of the "bad words".
submitted by Kayla Lynn - Terrid
- Mix of horrid and terrible
submitted by dana shahvisi - Tessalate
- Doesn't sound right does it
submitted by The one - Testi-Cool
- A fun way of saying "that's really cool" as in "thats not just cool,that's testi-cooooool"
submitted by Sarcastic_Sadistic_Bitch - Testiclees
- Greek God of balls
submitted by lionsden84 - Testosteroned Ballsack
- To be used when you have done something stupid. ie oh you big testosteroned ballsack
submitted by the bat - Testticulate
- To stand while waving your arms about and at the same time talking bollocks
submitted by Mike Barnes - Tetanica
- In spanish Teta means boob and nica come from Titanic. In spanish Titanic is spelles Titanica and we just put the teta in it!!
submitted by Mari - Tetrified
- When you are petrified and terrified at the same time!
submitted by fee - Tetris
- My boss is dyslexic and said I had tetris instead of tourettes lol....I don't actually have tourettes though :)
submitted by nostalgic_for_disaster<3 - Textical
- Someone who can't go five minutes without texting
submitted by MENZ150 - TFTF
- Talent For The Future
submitted by Mollyolly! - Tha Gret Knacker
- "You big wally" - to be used in yorkshire
submitted by the bat - That's beat
- A shot in basketball that is put up real weak and you say it when youre about to block it
submitted by ynotyy - That's musicology
- That's some good music!
submitted by sam n stu - That's pro
- "Good job" or "Well done"
submitted by gossip bitch - That's rock 'n roll
- That's life
submitted by stu n sam - That Really Pimps My Ride
- When you are angry, instead of saying "That really ticks me off" say this instead
submitted by Kirby4134 - The Bibble
- It's a bible for all the stupid, retarded and people who are naturlly blonde minded...This is your excuse..and it IS your religion!
submitted by Bibble preacher - THE Bollocks
- Amazingly brilliant, big emphasis on THE
submitted by Gareth Furbank - The Dalla Von Dellic
- An extremely hard ejaculation manouver
submitted by Dempsey The Lord - The Great Flood
- A fat womans period.
submitted by E!i - The Hitler
- Secretly smearing fresh poo on a best friends upper lip
submitted by Mr.FishFarts - The Infestation
- To refer to "children"
submitted by Pat & Ash - The melted crevice
- When your anus is red hot and burnt after a bad bout of the scutters or just after non lubricated butt sex
submitted by Plumberjack - The Nasty Nasty
- Sex
submitted by Me Person - The Phantom Queef
- When someone queefs and it seeps through the cracks in the door, you have just experienced "The Phantom Queef" (dun dun dun!!!)
submitted by The Phantom Queef - The Six P's (P.P.P.P.P.P.)
- Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance
submitted by -=C. Cates=- - The Uncle Sam
- To punch your girl in the teeth after sexual activity
submitted by Ty - The V
- The v shape that is formed around your crotch when you wear tight jeans.
submitted by trickstar66 - The Willage People
- A pack of gay men
submitted by 4lyf - The Wizard
- The name given to the father of a child with a deformed head resembling a pear, the childs nose may also be mis-shaped in the form of a boulder.
submitted by - The Yoddler
- A little person that yoddles inside of you and sends a message to the brain that you find funny and begin to laugh for what everyone around thinks is no apparent reason.
submitted by cfizzle - Thigh Slap
- To stand naked, usually in front of your partner, and thrash you hips side to side so as to slap your penis against your thighs creating a slapping sound
submitted by Blackdog - Thighkles
- A cross between thighs and ankles...EXTREMELY obese people have this problem
submitted by Chuck - Thingie-ma-bob
- When you can't remember the name of something eg. "Wheres the thingie-ma-bob?"
submitted by Angel28187 - Thingimajigalibob
- Is used when you can't come up with the word you're looking for.....i.e. "can you get me the...ah....'thingimajigalibob'"
submitted by ufo - Thingy-ma-bober
- Something you forget the name of
submitted by Hirgon - Thirty One
- 24 + 7 = 31. Something that's going on all the time
submitted by twoandahalfmen - Thisselstopemfloppin
- German word for "bra"
submitted by Jenn - Thoinga
- Loser
submitted by Murphy - Thrahssenburrn
- Adj. A good insult i.e. "That insult was a thrahssenburrn!" Pronounced Thra-sh-en-burn.
submitted by _-=+(DOITALLOVERFORME)+=-_ - Thrass
- The thread that gets stuck in your asscrack from a pair of new boxers
submitted by KennyM! - Threvil
- When your throat's feeling a bit sore. For example, "I'm threvil"
submitted by anonymous - Throw-Mance
- Referring to romance (when someone's so in love its disgusting!)
submitted by Sarcastic_Sadistic_Bitch - Thrush, A
- Someone who's extremely irritating and won't go away
submitted by Alex - Thunder Blunder
- When you let out a mega fart and the whole room shakes.
submitted by VampyOfChatango - Thundercrotch
- A very large vagina
submitted by Matt - Thunderware
- Big girl (fat) panties
submitted by Zach - Tibby-reght
- It will be right in morning
submitted by hozzi - Tick
- A really good looking person, the same as Buff or Fit.
submitted by Lisa and Emily - Tick
- An outrageously tiny dick.
submitted by ted - Tiddiobiggie
- Big titties
submitted by jessica - Tiff
- 'Fit' backwards, can be used when one is describing a good looking person but u dont want them to know that
submitted by chuck - Tig-o-Bitties
- Big-o-Titties but switched around ... funny to say and some people might not know what your talking about!
submitted by Stan - Tiggo Bitties
- Giant boobs
submitted by Louie - Tight White Boo
- That's pimp, cool, awesome, dope
submitted by Nicole Crocker - Tight-arse
- A bird with a good looking arse. More commonly a guy whos arms are shorter than his pockets deep
submitted by Kev - Tiki-Hut
- An all encumpassing word that can be used to describe emotions from anger to rejoice. Its all about context baby!
submitted by ROCK GOD- YBJ - Timmering
- To hang on the edge of (eg her nose was timmering on the edge of her face)
submitted by Pablo - Tinkle
- Pee or poo
submitted by Jason - Tips
- What you call someone when they say something obvious Ex. "Thanks, Tips..."
submitted by Jenn - Tipsilated
- Drunk
submitted by AuntBaby - Tish-wash
- A polite why of saying Bollocks
submitted by Kev - Tit-rat
- A skanky female, who's always seen on the streets. Usually found around skate parks and bottle shops.
submitted by anonymous - Titarific
- Amazing boobs!
submitted by nicci - Titteriffic
- Someone with nice or big boobs
submitted by nicole - Tizzy
- Awesome; cool
submitted by Joey Chastain - To Make Pocahontas
- To poop yourself
submitted by JeffM! - To put a spoon in your mouth
- Hearing voices that aren't there
submitted by Ines & Elise - Tobogganing
- The opposite of Teabagging. When a man's testicles glide down the slopes of a woman's bum
submitted by Ginger Vitis - Todge-podge
- Ass-hole
submitted by Danzo - Todger
- Males special place
submitted by ADDME - Todger
- Another word for willy
submitted by devo n tasha - Todger Dodger
- Lesbian
submitted by Swanny from Jersey - Toeface
- A word used when you can't think of anything else to call someone.
submitted by yoho from antrim - Toerag
- It's what you call a girl if she is seedy and gets her rat out
submitted by stefan - Toffee Teeth
- Minging Teeth. Yellow and brown
submitted by Dinsdale - Toidi
- A nickname for someone who's an idiot. (It's idiot backwards!)
submitted by SydneyD - Toilet ducks
- A group of girls that go to the toilet together
submitted by Paulie - Tolanweyu sa!
- An expression of seeing a beautiful girl with a big breasts.
submitted by Karum-Sakaal - Tom Tit
- Sh*t
submitted by Robert - Tomjanovich
- To be used when you do not know someone's last name. i.e. "I saw Peter Tomjanovich the other day."
submitted by Peter Lotsahair - Toodles
- Slang for ovaries
submitted by Nick Stergiou - Tool
- A loser with the classification level of a nerd, but not as smart
submitted by kyle2cfool7 - Tool
- See Tallywacker
submitted by Kev - Tool
- Someone who does other people's dirty work
submitted by VENOMdeSteb - Tooshy
- Poop
submitted by Spuda - Tootered
- When you fart!
submitted by Princess Holly - Toother(s)
- Alternative/Code word for cigarette(s)
submitted by Heavy smoker - Tootsie
- Foot
submitted by A.H. - Top Bollocks
- A fair pair of womens breasts
submitted by Sense - England - Top Quality Hattage
- An expression of something that is incredibly good.
submitted by Bazz Evans - Tops
- Something that is excellent, very good
submitted by anon - Torpoodo
- A sh*t that flies out of your ass really fast but creates no splashback
submitted by THEFEDZ - Torrididdle
- Bewildered, almost mad
submitted by dog10014 - Total Dude
- Someone who is cool; A party kinda guy who is fun to hangout with
submitted by danno - Tough as old boots
- Means some one is really hard, e.g "Bacon ed is as tough as old boots"
submitted by hoss - Toutan
- A lie or a bluff
submitted by Alex E - Toutanator
- Someone that is always telling lies
submitted by Alex E - Toxic-Zombie-Jam
- Cool/Awesome
submitted by Brandon - Toy's are bust
- A name for the shop Toys R Us
submitted by cozza cha - Traf
- A fart that never leaves your ass, it just goes back in.
submitted by Beej - Traffication
- Really obnoxious rush hour traffic
submitted by salacious - Trag
- Tragic goth
submitted by Rik (Stole word from chris though) - Tramp
- It means a trap on the streets
submitted by jessica jayes facebook - Tramp Stamp
- A tattoo located on the lower back of a female.
submitted by Joders - Tranny Fierceness!
- Instead of saying "cool!" or "awesome!" just say "tranny fierceness!" or just fierceness, or fierce.
submitted by Keera CULLEN - Treetrunk
- A fat person
submitted by Chloe Dawber - Trench chumper
- A homosexual man
submitted by Jon Marler - Trench coat
- A condom
submitted by KennyM! - Tress
- To tress is to chill, to be calm, to relax. If dis-tress is suffering, pain, sorrow, anguish, misery then tress is the opposite of this (distress without the 'dis-')
submitted by Lanky Bastardos - Tricky McTrickerson
- One who is sneaky
submitted by skatmaster - Triffy
- Terrific + Insane. Insanely terrific.
submitted by Brigita Augyte - Trigz
- A skinny ass white boy
submitted by ya boy - Trikkets
- Womens Breast.
submitted by The Todd - Trim
- Small dick, or cool (wasnt origanally meaning cool but we changed it)
submitted by ADDME - Triple Bagger
- A girl so ugly, you need three paper bags to sleep with her; one for her, one for you in case hers falls off and one for your dog so he'll respect you in the morning.
submitted by Flirty_Bertie - Triple T K A
- Time To Totally Kick Ass
submitted by white chick - Triplefied
- Triple times 3! Or just a whole lot.
submitted by Nicole Crocker - Trollied
- To be ever so slightly pissed out of your mind
submitted by golden wonder - Tromboning
- To masturbate while taking a dump
submitted by Garrett - Trophy
- A person's offspring or child. Example: "That girl over there is fine, but she got 3 trophies.......DAMN"
submitted by Damien G. - Trouser Burp
- A cool way of saying fart
submitted by Mr. Sexy - Trouser trout
- A penis
submitted by ryan! - Trublems
- Troubles not yet big enough to be problems
submitted by Mice - Trucker
- Fag, of the gay sense, likes men
submitted by Carl Yagley - Trudge
- A penis that is wider than it is long
submitted by Jake H - Truffle-hunter
- A perfect description for that girl accross the dance floor eating all of the party food with a face that recently ran into the back end of a bus
submitted by Kev - TT
- Chinese slang for condom.
submitted by sharon chang - TTUL
- Talk to u later
submitted by HANR - Tuba
- Hot guy ie. "Oooh look at that tuba!"
submitted by idunno - Tubba
- Small Penis
submitted by Jay - Tubber
- To have sex in a bath tub
submitted by KennyM! - Tubs
- What you call a fat person
submitted by manda - Tude-e-at
- A backward attitude aka mentally f**ed
submitted by anon - Tuff
- Cool. As used in the 50's
submitted by Aimee - Tuls
- Something you call someone who is a wannabe slut
submitted by pilly - Tunage
- It's a song that is really quite good. i.e "that is tunage..."
submitted by Stumpy - Tundra Wookie
- A large, hairy and poorly bathed woman from interior Alaska. These creatures have been known to migrate to the lower 48 states.
submitted by Tommygun - Turd Tickler
- When someone acts like a damn retard and doesnt know it
submitted by Idean Nassiri - Turd-burgler
- A person who is gay.
submitted by Andrew E. - Turd-cutter
- It means when a girl has a but so big it can be cutting turds
submitted by -c-dizzle - Turgelence
- A mixture of the word turd and turbulence. A way to describe the experience of following through!
submitted by kayla - Turi
- Crazy, stupid doing
submitted by ousman, lisboa - Turinteh
- A crazy or stupid person
submitted by ousman, lisbon - Turkey tassels
- Stretched out vagina
submitted by irishmissie - Turkeyscrot
- When someone has a face like a turkeys scrotum
submitted by chris - Turner
- An ultimate brown nosing suck up. Easily angered whn accused and fully beleives they don't suck up and that they have a lot of friends, but they don't.
submitted by Laybourne - Turtle Boner
- Small Penis
submitted by Lor - Twanging your doobrie
- It's what is professionally known as masturbating (flogging the bishop, spanking the monkey etc etc)
submitted by Doj - Twangus
- When you accidentantly sit on a fork and it gets jammed up your ass
submitted by mark - Twanka
- Its a mix between wanka and twat - so its its 2 swear words rolled into one!
submitted by Superman (yeah right!) - Twanky
- Twenty two
submitted by B-Rad GZ - Twat-face-monkey-raper
- The extreme aff all abuse - ie 'F**K You, you Twat Face Monkey Raper'
submitted by gibbs - Twat-faced monkey man
- Someone who really should know better, often with a beard (Tayside colloquialism)
submitted by Mejoolie - Twate
- A posh twat
submitted by Dynamite Heady - Twatface
- Someone who metaphorically has the features and attitudes of a c**t. Used in the same way as dickhead or wankhead.
submitted by Sprogg Daddy - Twatspangle
- An idiot of immeasurable proportions in the Scottish language
submitted by Alex - Twattock
- Stupid Person
submitted by Jessi - Twazzack
- Twat and a wazzack
submitted by Nick - Twazzock
- Less offensive term for a twat and a wazzock
submitted by Steb - Tweed
- Nerd;, oser
submitted by Vannah Mata - Tweener
- You are a crackhead
submitted by Katie and Mysti - Tweety
- Vagina
submitted by loop - Twelve-Pounder
- I need to take a 12 pound sh*t
submitted by Josh - the face
- Said after a sexual remark is made. eg - "I wanna f**k her" and the response being "Yeah, twice... in the face!"
submitted by Claire Amy Laura Dean [Mackam Fags] - Twiddle
- To fiddle with something
submitted by June - Twidget
- Vagina
submitted by jimmy zombie - Twiff
- Weed
submitted by G - Twig-n-berries
- Penis and testicles
submitted by dano and colm - Twinalaughacow
- A cow that has inherited the rare genetic trait of possessing two laughs and the usual moo
submitted by nimily - Twink
- Hot young gay guy
submitted by maemae - Twinkie
- Some one that looks really bored or plain; someone fat
submitted by mary and allie - Twinkle
- Another term for crush, Ex. "She has the twinkle for josh."
submitted by mathafuka - Twinks
- Something cute I call my mate
submitted by Mice - Twinni
- When someone is lying about their age
submitted by Franv Vliege - To chat
submitted by Hirgon - Twittern
- Narrow path between hedges
submitted by dog10014 - Two Dollar
- An Asian Chick
submitted by 4lyf - Twoddle
- Twat, but too polite to call the person a twat
submitted by chipmunk + bizzi - Twonk
- Its a slightly less offensive word for twat, something more suitable to say infront of your teacher without getting strung up by your shoe laces. Or twonkette for the ladies if you're feeling particularly pollitically correct.
submitted by Nic - Twonk
- Mixture between Plonker and Twat
submitted by Ellie - twurd
- A cross between a twat and a turd
submitted by stacey - Twushie Muncher
- When somebody is really p*ssed off or angry
submitted by anonymous