Funny Words
If you and your friends/family use words or phrases that only you know the meaning of, STOP BEING SO SELFISH!! Let everyone share your wisdom here and soon people from the other side of the world will be using it, if slightly mispronounced.
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Funny words beginning with F
- 42
- Answer to any question of which you dont know the answer
submitted by joe - F*ckMcMuffin!
- A funnier and much more random term to use than just "F*ck!"
submitted by ♥StrawberryFieldsForever!!! 4 8 15 16 23 42♥ - F-U-B
- A fat, ugly beast. can also be said as "fubber." i.e. Lucy is a total FUB/fubber!"
submitted by Keera CULLEN - F.A.B
- Fat Arsed Boy - for a teacher to use when describing a child to other teachers without the child knowing
submitted by SOILHEAD - F.A.O
- To Fake An Orgasm
submitted by TITO - F.B.A
- Fat Bitch Alert. When you see someone fat just yell FBA!
submitted by sadieee. - F.B.I
- Fat Boys Inc.
submitted by Shopaholic118 - F.B.I
- Female Body Inspector
submitted by Freak bitch - F.F.P
- 'First Fatal Piss' - the first piss u take when out on da lash n the rest of the nit is spent in the bog
submitted by Slips - F.I.S.H
- Fit Intelligent Sexy Human
submitted by kayleigh & george - F.I.S.S
- F.I.S.S stands for F*cking Itchy Scrot Syndrome. A syndrome where the victims testicular region becomes inflammed and rather irritable, causing discomfort. Can be used like the following: "Oh man I got fiss so bad, it's itching like hell."
submitted by Deanos - F.L
- Forever Life
submitted by Holly Mullen - F.M.B.'s
- F**k Me Boots
submitted by Yamma-b - F.M.F
- Fine Mother F*cker
submitted by alicia - F.N.P.
- F**king Near Perfect.
submitted by SIr Slip Digby - F.T.W
- F*ck The What , an expression of just going totally insane
submitted by KrustyPoop - F.T.W
- For The Win. When something is so good it beats all
submitted by anonymous - F.U.P.A.
- Fat Upper Pelvic Region (usually for girls p***ies )
submitted by gPhar - Fa shizzle - Fur rizzle
- For sure - For real
submitted by Tisha - Fabadabadosy
submitted by Katie - Fabalabaloscious
- Brilliant, amazing and all round cool
submitted by J o a n n e * * - Fabilush
- It is to describe or compliment someone or something
submitted by Gawjus Ham'sey' - Fabtabulous
- As good as it gets. perfection.
submitted by Matthew Jarman (Sexy) - Fabulousology
- The study of all things Fabulous and Glamourous
submitted by Dr. Stu Nicholson, Ph. D - Fack
- General curse - Cleaner version of f*ck
submitted by Paul - Faded
- To get a haircut
submitted by Chad - Faded
- Pretty f*cked up, but not beligerant. "I'm so faded"
submitted by Napoleon - Faded
- Getting drunk
submitted by face - Fadge
- Lady parts
submitted by tacato - Fadge-cheese
- Someone who is acting like a complete fanny and stinks at something (generally use on friends)
submitted by Joel himself - Fafo
- Extremely beautiful individual
submitted by doug - FAG
- Fat Arse Girl
submitted by J O D Y N E - Fag master
- Real real real gay person
submitted by killer kookiez - Fag-hag
- A lady who hangs round with gays
submitted by chelsamaine - Faga
- A hoe
submitted by gabby - Fagalicios
- synonym for fagtacular
submitted by - Fagbag
- Faggot
submitted by kristin - Faggie Milts
- Another way of saying "oh sh*t"
submitted by chan chan - Faggoty-Anne
- An insult
submitted by Gosu Noobs - Fagtacular
- being of or acting like a fag. Used because fag is a pronoun but not an adjective (i.e. thats fagtacular)
submitted by - Fagtard
- A person that is being so dumb they're worse than a fag and a retard together
submitted by Big M McNerney - Fagtardite
- A mixture of a faggot, a retard, and a transvestite
submitted by screw you - Fagwash
- No Idea what it means, say it in pure frustration. probably a fusion of several rude words
submitted by Sir Slip Digby - Fahtoosh
- You fat ass
submitted by tina parkkkk - Fail cake
- Someone that fails
submitted by sniperace777 - Fajit
- An un-gay faggot used as a harmless insult
submitted by Gosu Noobs - Fall down the stairs but don't hurt yourself
- It's a nice way of cussin someone
submitted by quoted by "sam rogers" - Faludicator
- A name for a random part of a car or piece of machinery. Used to sound like you know what you are talking about but don't.
submitted by Demonic Maggotpus - Famit
- A very cheesey fart
submitted by stacey - Famn Dly
- (Damn Fly) Used by my swim team when some one finds out they must swim butterfly but dont want to be scolded by parents and coaches
submitted by anonymous - Fanackapanning Doylums
- Idiot
submitted by Moll - FanDan
- another word for being an idiot
submitted by GR - Fang
- Usually means going fast as in they were fangin' along but can be used anywhere as in "fang us one of those" or "did ya fang that outta your ass?"
submitted by random acts of charging badgers - Fanglemcmangledandrum
- Really, really undescribably wasted
submitted by nathaniel davies - Fanny Batter
- The excretion of the viginal area which is rather disgusting... e.g. 'Ah hud tae wipe ma fanny batter o'n the curtains afore e'd shag us!' (Scots Dialect)
submitted by Johnny Mac - Fantabulous
- Incredibly amazingly fantastic and fabulous!
submitted by irock - Fantabulous
- Far better than fantastic or fabulous, but has the effect of both without sounding ghey <
submitted by VLADWERK - What else? - Fantallitistic
- So awesome that fantastic just doesn't cover it
submitted by Swiftbutterfly.../$cuzimmagangsta - Fantasmagorical
- Something so awesome, it simply denies any other description.
submitted by Dilbart - Fantastamoosie
- Fantastic, brilliant, terrific
submitted by SexySmithy - Fantastical
- The best out of everything else
submitted by yo momma bxtch :D - Fantiddlyastic
- Supremely fantastic. Add "iddly" to any word to make it awesome
submitted by SAM cookies - Fantistic
- A really fabulous, smart person
submitted by Keysa - Fanwat
- A coloquial insult, an amalgamation of fanny and twat
submitted by HuDaFuK - Fap
- To fart and poop at the same time
submitted by Andrew may - Fart knocker
- Homosexual
submitted by the A-TRAIN - Fart Pocket
- The area in which a fart was released and the stink will therein preside ex. "Jeez i was at Wal-Mart the other day and i walked through a rancid fart pocket"
submitted by Brain - Fartknocker
- Dumbass
submitted by Brittany - Fartleberry
- A crusty piece of poo left on your bum cheek after wiping
submitted by smelz - Fartracious
- The odor of a fart or other noxious gas or similar foulness measured in levels of putridity on the Fartraciousness Scale. 1= eww, 10 = My eyes are bleeding!
submitted by Mr. Stinky - Farty McFart-Stains
- Someone who leaves evidence on their undies after a fart
submitted by Munch - Fat ghandi
- Go for a big sh*t
submitted by Pedro - Faunching at the bit
- Eager to get going, nervous
submitted by KarenK - Fausty
- See "Rank". Typically of smell, but can be used in a variety of circumstances. Something is fausty when the smell gets right up your nose and pollutes the brain. ex. "Whew! That's some fausty bilge water!"
submitted by Luke, courtesy of Faxe King - Feck
- Irish slang for the F word. Said in a bitter irish tone makes it all the funnier
submitted by Mondonkery - Fectic
- F**king hectic
submitted by nikib - Feebert
- Funny
submitted by jonny - Feedish
- somthing that is either just dumb or wants to be somthing of the other sex.
submitted by ~_Amber_~ - Feeflenokka
- Bad breath
submitted by nyki d. - Feek
- French Kiss Someom
submitted by anonymous - Feen
- Sexy Looking Dude
submitted by Kate - Feijing
- 1) The little line around an object in film/TV that has been cut out and placed on a different background 2) bad editing
submitted by Zach - Felicianess
- Extreme Happiness!
submitted by Natalie---Inspired by Felicia - Fent
- A moron, idiot, etc.
submitted by Ne-Chan - Fern
- That is one good-looking girl
submitted by Phil Clark - Ferndip
- An unexplained piece of fuzz appearing on clothes, floor
submitted by Joyce - Fernert Beart
- An exclamation used to express happiness and/or excitment
submitted by Phil Clark - Ferrell
- A person brought up on the outback. A tramp. Somebody that uses body fluids as hair gel.
submitted by Paulie - Ferret
- A cute term for an idiot in a real sweet way
submitted by sexy lady - Ferret Dave
- A stranger in a pub who joins your conversation and buys the booze
submitted by Mice - Fersurely
- When you are really sure about something
submitted by Rymc - Fester
- To be lazy/nap, lay around
submitted by Dank Jones - Festering Hatchet Wound
- A Vagina
submitted by AWWWWW_SKEET! - Fetch
- Ugly, Stupid, Creepy
submitted by SHANNNNNNNNNNAN - Fetcher
- A useful diss akin to a 'git'
submitted by Karl - FeTeHompANo
- The category name for all sexual postiions
submitted by chase k. - Fetish Farmer
- A randy farmer who likes fetish clothes,
submitted by pear head elliot - Fezaw
- A very big butt
submitted by danny - Fick Dich
- German for F*ck yourself
submitted by ScubaSteve - Fifteh
- A guy who reckon's his a rapper but he is really white
submitted by Dr.H , Bentley, 50 - Figgadilme
- You feel me?
submitted by Matt - Figgit
- Another use for faggot, when someone pisses you off.
submitted by Chris Welch - Figjam
- F**ck i'm good just ask me
submitted by mono - Filarious
- F*****g hilarious
submitted by Mimi - FILF
- Pronounced "filth":- Friend I'd like to F**k
submitted by Blackdog - Fillarious
- What you say when something is funny and hillarious
submitted by someone - Filter Off!
- Say when you're in a public place, and someone made an innuendo and you want people to know that you turned it perverted
submitted by rishyfishy - Finding Nemo
- Masturbating
submitted by Tom - Findlesern
- Someone with a triple chin.. ie "Dude, check out her findlesern"
submitted by abigal adams - Fink
- Used when something bad happens, like shoot!
submitted by Sema - Finnah
- A more polite word than "F**k"
submitted by Chuck - Finter
- The time between Fall and Winter - very very little snow, still warm, getting cold-but not cold enough to wear a winter jacket. - I hate Finter (also known as Fautom)
submitted by Amy Martin - Fire Crotch
- A Slut
submitted by 4lyf - Fire hose
- When you have very unpleasent runs and it comes out in splashes and tends to be very hot
submitted by cozza cha - Fish
- Used in place of "f*ck" when parents, teachers etc. are around
submitted by The Unknown One - Fish Monger
- Lesbian
submitted by Kidney Thief - Fisherman's Basket
- A smelly, crab infested, prostitute
submitted by Sarcastic_Sadistic_Bitch - Fishfinger
- When your finger smells of fish ;)
submitted by upyourmam - Fishstick
- An ugly smelly b**ch
submitted by Tyler James - Fitch
- A Fat Bitch
submitted by KennyM! - Fittershitters
- When something falls apart.
submitted by dog10014 - Five-head
- Someone with a forehead that is just way too big to only be referred to with the number 4.
submitted by Kaitlin! - Fizzy feet
- Pins and needles
submitted by JoshMars - Fizzy good
- Magic hangover curing tablets
submitted by anonymous - Flabadooby
- Good/awesome e.g: 'Man thats so flabadooby'
submitted by awesomedude - Flabble
- Skin that wibbles and hits you in the face.
submitted by cameron - Flabergast
- To let out a mean one. I mean one that's wet and smells like total chaos
submitted by richards camel nuts - Fladge
- eg 'You big fladge face'. Unknown meaning, but gets the point across
submitted by asherlaa - Fladingo Bag
- Extremely gay/Justin Bieber/Jonas Brothers
submitted by Alan/Peris/ - Flaggin
- Stupid or dumb
submitted by omari - Flajo
- Fart
submitted by anonymous - Flakey
- ugly
submitted by Adasely Lopez - Flalala
- Vagina
submitted by Meghin - Flamdozeld
- Really weird like you don't know what it is
submitted by darren dellaway - Flame'r
- A raging male homosexual
submitted by Flinker - Flamer
- An obviously gay person
submitted by kristin - Flaming Fruitcake
- I think it means a gay guy. I have no idea how the whole fruitcake thing works into there... but dudes at our school sayit all the time and it's random and funny.
submitted by Keera CULLEN - Flange
- While Flange sonds rude it is actually While Flange sonds rude it is actualy "a protective rim". Use it as you see fit"
submitted by Belgium Bob - Flange
- Complete codswollop
submitted by swiznasty - Flange Ache
- The feeling you get when you see someone truly gorgeous eg "he is so cute, he gives me flange ache!"
submitted by The Vadgettes - Flangerific-Testifacationalism
- Just a random but cool sounding word (make up ur own meaning)
submitted by Dan .H. - Flapper
- When your dick is half hard
submitted by anonymous - Flaps
- Any anonymous person you don't know or remember their name
submitted by daniel - Flargantuous
- Relating to an elephant
submitted by Zooey - Flargen
- Means "RAAWR"
submitted by Chris - Flat top
- A persons fringe what sticks out in front of their head
submitted by dean young - Flatchette
- A small fart
submitted by Lindz - Flausious
- To relax and lay about in a barely conscious state. Cats are often flausious.
submitted by Vicki - Flawless Victory
- When you take a dump and you go to wipe yourself but the paper is totally clean. Makes your day!
submitted by Anon - Fleedledeedle
- Some random word that I made up!
submitted by bob - Flerp
- An expression of surprise/disgust/horror
submitted by David - Fleuter
- Something you call somebody when they've done something stupid
submitted by big pimpin' - Flibber-dee-jibber!
- Exclamation of anger or frustration
submitted by Josh - Flibbertygibbet
- Ditsy girl
submitted by meghan - Flibertyjibbit
- Someone who`s a bit dizzy!!!
submitted by aimee - Flicker
- Remote Control
submitted by Rhian_demon - Flikerbox changer
- Yet another word for the remote control
submitted by rhian_demon - Flim
- Anything you want it to be. (The more M's the better)
submitted by Brain - Flim Flam
- Dane Cook used it on jay leno and it means when you are a waiter and a customer tries to pull a "fast one" on you
submitted by team weldin assemble-uri - FlimFlam
- Womens parts
submitted by kissmekate - Flingersnipper
- To cut off ones penis
submitted by Tony N - Flip Mole
- A way of saying you are the winner
submitted by ciaran - Flip-flop
- Laptop Computer
submitted by Marcus - Flip-slip
- Somethinhg you do that you didn't mean to that ends up looking really cool
submitted by the weird guy down the street - Flipper-Flapper
- T.V remote
submitted by Cory - Flippity Jibbet
- In replacement of swearing. eg "flippity jibbet, I managed to f*** up"
submitted by e.l & m. - Fliptarded
- A non-rude way to say retarded
submitted by Michaela - Flobberknocker
- A weird lame person :D
submitted by clarissa funaki xD - Flobbyjobby
- A bendy poo
submitted by Weeeman - Flocculent
- Fluffy, Wool like. Ex: that muff is very flocculent
submitted by Vlad the Impaler - Flockynockyhilifilification
- Moron
submitted by Emma - Flodding the pool
- When you pee everywhere around the toilet
submitted by KennyM! - Floggerhythm
- Beat with a stick to a beat
submitted by Notorius Tee - Flogging On
- Surfing the Internet for some left-handed websites.
- Flogging the Dolphin
- Jacking off
submitted by fagthemasturbation - Floidage
- To act like a floid. To have fun in an weird, outrageous and individual way
submitted by Friend of random acts of badger - Floop
- arn it all!!!
submitted by ballin444 - Flowage
- Anything that moves, ie: wind
submitted by Amy - Flubnugget
- Fat person
submitted by Natalie rox 4eva - Flufe
- Lady's naughty bits
submitted by seroxat - Fluff
- A replacement for F*ck... much more original if you ask me =P
submitted by VLADWERK - What else? - Fluff
- To fart...
submitted by Katie - Fluff
- A fart that sounds like deflating a pool float.
submitted by shane - Fluffer
- Someone who gets guys hard for pornos
submitted by killer kookiez - Fluffy
- Another word for fart
submitted by Krissy - Fluflab
- Man flu
submitted by oginger - Flumbo
- Awesome
submitted by rebecca anne summers - FlumpaDumped
- Dumped
submitted by Karla - Flumpet
- A vagina
submitted by me - Flumpigitalia
- Flappy like, piggish, unuseable genitles.
submitted by Piss - Flumpy pig skin
- Nasty, dispicable, used up vagina.
submitted by the dude - Flunkie
- A way to say f**k in front of teachers/parents
submitted by i 4got my name - Flurrrp
- Funny word to say when it is easier to confuse people than explain things
submitted by Rian - Flying Start
- To wake up in the morning with an erection (also the name of a breakfast meal at Morrisons )
- Fo'shizzle
- For sure
submitted by neonbby - Fo Shizzle
- The meaning of this word is actually quite simple: it means "for sure". It is commonly used in the recent times of this new age...Example: "Hey, check out this awesome site, are you gonna submit a word?" (response): "FO SHIZZLE!"
submitted by Your Adams Apple - Foakleys
- Fake oakleys. Chavvy merchandise that is usually owned by chavs of the chav genre. e.g fake burrbery is furrbery not to be mistaken by the horrifically offending childrens toy furrby.
submitted by Rollo - Focka
- "An abundance of something. Used synonomously with "really" or "very". I was focka frustrated"
submitted by Wendell Jordan - Foescraptic
- People you hate and love at the same time
submitted by jesus - Fogie
- Somebody who is very old and gross
submitted by lenny - Food
- To eat eg. "Lets go food" (also can be used for i fooded her out)
submitted by MOOSE MAN - Food Magnet
- Fat person who loves food
submitted by bob - Foodgasm
- When your food is so good it's like "A Party In Your Mouth"
submitted by Amber&Amy - Foofoo
- Lady Place
submitted by The Gee - Fooger Hole
- A hole like a gopher hole that goes nowhere, usually found in a field. When a person steps/trips in said hole they will be promptly names a fooger.
submitted by Gavin - Foogle-Doogle
- Making a mistake
submitted by ballin444 - Foon
- The difference between a fork and a spork
submitted by Butt munchies - Foopa
- The fat below your belly button, also called a Muffin Top
submitted by Anna - Foot
- Another, stupider, word for legend
submitted by layboo - Footard
- Retard
submitted by Claire Amy Laura Dean [Mackam Fags] - Fop
- A boy who is worried about his looks and is most likely gay
submitted by Know It All Chick - For Crease
- For sh*ts and giggles!!
submitted by The Hazman - For-Life
- Stunner For Life (sarcasm)
submitted by Jack Logan - Ford
- First On Race Day
submitted by caiden - Forferd
- Dang it
submitted by william - Fornitard
- Someone who is crap at sex
submitted by The Hazman - Fort-fad
- When you Roleplay but suck at it
submitted by Ctj_haze - Fourty-Seven
- Another word for a retard. They have 47 chromosomes.
submitted by Brad Leathers - Fowie
- Toasted sandwich
submitted by Maz - Frag
- The F-bomb: org. from Vietnam era soldiers returning home loosely based on what happens to anything caught within the blast radius of a Fragmentation Grenade. Brought back with the SciFi miniseries Galactica.
submitted by Patrick O'Rourke - Frages
- For ages
submitted by Rhian_Demon - Frantastic
- Th new and improved word for fantastic!
submitted by Fran - Frapped-Out
- To be pushed or used to your limits I.e. �look how frapped-out Wendy�s looking!�
submitted by Stephanie - Frawsomeday
- Awesome Friday
submitted by twinklestar12 - Fray Bentos
- Synonymous with cool, awesome. Etymology: it is also the name of the best selling corned beef in Brazil.
submitted by Juliepie - Frazzelvac
- To die
submitted by bum - Freakables
- Say it when you're fed up.
submitted by Chrystina - Freaktard
- Someone Who's a Freak and is a Retard
submitted by Sarcastic_Sadistic_Bitch - Freckle Frackle
- When someone with many freckles wants to have sex. For example, "You wanna freckle frackle?"
submitted by Kaytlyn - Fred
- A really ugly guy, also if you see an ugly guy with a hot girl you say 'Hey its Fred and Betty'
submitted by hotmark89 - Fred West
- Like May West but worse - "Its not the Fred West"
submitted by Philbert - Free bird
- Taking a sh*t without wiping
submitted by MENZ150 - Fricken
- Slang for fucking so nobody stares at you if your parents are around.
submitted by sucking - Friderday
- A Friday that extends into Saturday.
submitted by TMZ Network - Fridge
- Cold as, never been touched
submitted by burr - Fridget
- Any woman unwilling to get with you, or will not give you anything you desire (sexually)
submitted by Dynamite Heady - Fridiot
- A fricken idiot
submitted by im shatpank - Frig
- The F Bomb: From England usually uttered as "Friggin' ay"
submitted by Patrick O'Rourke - Frigmarole
- Unnecessarily time-consuming foreplay.
- Frin-Fron
- A fake person who thinks they know everything and doesn't know sh**
submitted by ABC - Fritata
- Code for retard
submitted by nicholas - Frizzled
- Faded / High as f**k
submitted by Kayla - Frog
- A terribly misshapen vagina.
submitted by ted - Frolaise
- Blond Afro
submitted by Drew - Frompambobulator
- A machine that does absolutely nothing of use, but looks very cool.
submitted by Connor B - Fromunda Cheese
- Homemade cheese "from under" the Nuts. (testicles)
submitted by CCVman - Front bum
- Genital region of both male and female
submitted by ADDME - Froogle
- Nickname for a Wally
submitted by Rachel - Froot Loop
- A mad person
submitted by Lynne - Frou- Frou
- All thing wonderful and fun. Or style of skirt.
submitted by bennet family - Frozenstool
- When you pee in the snow but it freezes and sticks to your cock.
submitted by Lootsnezorf - Fruck
- An offspring from parent f#@k and prick; a toned down swear word with attitude.
submitted by D-rock Ricksmcgee - Frugs
- Used in the same way as drugs, frugs are the high a person gets from licking a poisonous frog
submitted by HRMP - Fruit
- Fairy-like, when talking about guys....loose wrists and pink shirts etc
submitted by TheDane - Fruit Cake
- Nerd; epic failure
submitted by fbaddiction..(: - Fruit loaf
- Gay Boy, a less macho version of meatloaf
submitted by Nob Head - Fruitcake
- An idoit
submitted by Hotmaychic77 - Fruiter
- Idiot/daft
submitted by danielle and sam - Fruluck
- When you open a yoghurt and it splats all over you the stuff that hits you is fruluck as well as the whole experiance
submitted by Superjim - FTW [For The Win]
- To give approval to something [eg - My Chemical Romance are ftw]
submitted by Claire Amy Dean [Mackam Fags] - Fuangi
- The noise one makes when ones underwear is twanged extrememly painfully, causing extreme pain in the backside regions
submitted by Bazz Evans - FUBAR'd
- F**ked Up Beyond All Recognition
submitted by soph - Fubby
- Chubby and funny
submitted by LaLa - Fuck-wahed
- Broken, usually applies to electrical stuff
submitted by Shakey - FuckinFodaFishinFannyFace
- Someone who is so damn ugly that this is the only word to describe them.
submitted by N A T T L E E =] - Fucktard
- F**king retard
submitted by Tommyhol - Fuckwitt
- A person who is indescribably stupid
submitted by Roger Mellie the Man On The Telly - Fucoffe
- Split it up! fFuc-offe
submitted by jonny bonerman - Fuddle
- A small get together, lil party
submitted by Ali Puck - Fudge bag
- A jerk
submitted by awash1 - Fudge Factory
- The place in which poop is made and stored
submitted by Sean - FUDGE NIPPLES!!!
- F@#K
submitted by Selena - Fudge nugget
- Aw crap!!!
submitted by Sonrie - Fudge Tunnel
- Anus
submitted by Kidney Thief - Fudgie
- A little turd
submitted by kiwi - Fudungle
- Another way of saying the word sh*t/crap. Expression as in "Oh Fudungle!"
submitted by Sarcastic_Sadistic_Bitch - Fuff puff
- A fart that came out really fast
submitted by poop on a stick - Fufu
- So lame
submitted by vana - FUG
- Fat Ugly Ginger
submitted by Shaun and Wee PG - FUG
- Terribly Ugly in every way
submitted by Ashley - Fuggles
- Extremely fat boys
submitted by Maka - Fugly
- Something that is so ugly you need to put the f bomb in front of it
submitted by Rainey - Fugly Troll
- A very unattractive person.
submitted by Paulie - Fuklett
- Something you say to little F##kers
submitted by Chits - Fularious
- Pronounced like fuh-larious which is fun and hilarious mixed together.
submitted by Slipped Halo - Fully
- No meaning, just use it before stuff to emphasise it! It's a fully good word to use!
submitted by Lizzie and Sarah - Fumply
- Fat
submitted by hi - Fun-sized
- Some one being short
submitted by Sexy Kid Bossche - Funbags
- Huge tits
submitted by Blubber - Funchy
- Odd. ie. It smells funchy in here. or....Dude! Thats funchy!
submitted by Ambies - Funderwear
- A male who has fun underwear
submitted by volleyballbabe0007 - Funfandandytastic
- Fun fantastic dandy... basically a radical time!
submitted by AMANDA - Fung
- The sound made when removing a large cylindrical object from a small hole due to pressure buildup. Especially in sexual intercourse
submitted by Jazzenodians - Funglay
- Funny
submitted by Juan Medina Jr - Fungleming
- A funny minger/girl
submitted by farky 94 - Fungry
- F**king hungry
submitted by kirk - Funkalicious
- To be crazily cool
submitted by joe bloe - Funkiermonkey
- A small hairy person with deadly personal hygiene probs
submitted by spode - Funkymonkey
- A small hairy person with disgusting personal hygiene
submitted by hal69 - Funtastic
- Really entertaining
submitted by Susmita - Funwilzy
- Funny, wild and crazy
submitted by kyles - Fur Burgers
- A lady's genitalia
submitted by Juggular Duggs - Fusbal
- A substitute for f**k - usefull in situtations when self-censorship is required. Also fun to say. Fusbal that!
submitted by Chery Poppins - Fuxunurmaddah
- F**k you and your mother. I say it super fast so it comes out like that
submitted by Tyler ZombieFyd Mccain - fuzzy
- Used for girls meaning stacked or having big knockers
submitted by Emerly - Fuzzy Pickle
- A penis with too much hair
submitted by debbie love million - Fuzzyburger
- Hairy vagina
submitted by bob - Fwafle!
- An expression with a variety of emotional meanings; similar to the Spanish use of 'Ay!'
submitted by shacolourdes