What Happened To TQ?

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Errr.... Who?

He was an american singer

This is what they are doing now...

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tq works with the biggest selling german artist ever SARAH CONNOR. he produced and colloborated on her singles lets get back to bed boy, and love is colour blind, she went on to outsell him with the songs bounce "bounce baby out the door bla bla bla and from sarah with love. shes hot, hes not
TQ recently released an album called "Listen" which features the song "Right On".
collaborated with german recording artist "soulscrew". The tarck is called "boyfriend - girlfriend". Not half bad I reckon...

I believe that was released sometime in august...or september....errr....either way it didn't do much on the charts..

"Well he last had a single in about january this year with girl sarah conner called lets get back to bed boy it made number 16 and hes released 2 albums in america"
Andrew Hunter