What Happened To Dalton James?

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Errr.... Who?

Was in 'My Father the Hero'

This is what they are doing now...

Please note that messages containing statements regarding individuals may be removed at the request of the individual in question.

Dalton James is one of the finest actors in the world. Here is the link to Dalton's Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/pages/Dalton-James/121689454591462 and here is the link to the Crossroads Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/pages/Crossroads/293279277354692
Admin for "Crossroads"
Funny how you somehow watch a movie many years later for the first time...think you were destined to end up on the screen -- it is obviously your passion!! Glad to hear you took up where you left of....great stuff man!
i watched crossroads and loved it I am in the USA on holiday and would love to talk to him if possible my email address is [email protected]
Ishan from sir Lanka
i really want to see Dalton James, he was so handsome and do hope he is doing well
The movie my father the hero was one of my favorite movies! Always thought you were a hottie! Do whatever makes you happy! Golf, act, as long as you smile : )
He got divorced and is a golf pro for some sh*tty school...
Would love to see you back on the big screen!!!!!!!!!!!
After quitting acting for 6 years and raising a family I've decided to step back into the business of acting and see if I can't continue what I started. I'm back doing some theatre and study acting again and after the Writers strike is over I plan to start auditioning again. We shall see?
Dalton James
i think he used to play sam's brother hank in the soap opera passions