What Happened To Ultra?

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Errr.... Who?

Boy-band who played instruments

This is what they are doing now...

Please note that messages containing statements regarding individuals may be removed at the request of the individual in question.

So James is married and has a child (baby).... Wow!

There is no date on this forum, was the baby born in december 2005? Was it a boy or a girl? :)

I'm so curious.... If somebody knows more, please tell me!


they are backing with a new cd. www.officialultra.co.uk
i dunno but there song 'say it once' is da best ever if any one has the music video clip of that song can they please send it to me at [email protected].

(ive tried to find it but its just too damn rare)

Michael, Jon and Nick still work together as a producers called Goldust and have worked on Liberty X and The Magic Roundabout soundtrack.

James is currently doing his postgraduate course in realestate at Reading university.
Ground Zero
iam currently dating james...:)
Btw, James and his wife had split up and i am currently dating him!
Pretty gal
James has now become a real estate surveyor. Go figure!
The lead singer James is now married to a laydee called Stacey-Jo and they are expecting their first baby in december.
Split up and the taller one is apparently serving time for GBH.