What Happened To Menswear?

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Errr.... Who?

Band of the 90's

This is what they are doing now...

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One of them (Simon) now manages Bloc Party. Apparently, he got mobbed in Japan while out there with the band as Menswear are still fondly remembered out there!
Chris has had a new band for a while now called VATICAN DC. They are brilliant. View the vid to their single WOW blogged on my MySpace page http://www.myspace.com/princess_zyklon_dee
Some ex-members of Menswear helped yon Osbornes girl on her tour this year.
Liam, Preston
Chris is now a model. He did a campaign for Fred Perry (how ironic!) a couple of months ago
Actually, one of them was touring with Finly Quaye a couple of years ago
"Done a one off gig a few years ago and ex members still knocking around celeb party circuit (readers of NME will know) but think the band is finished as a whole and dont know any memebers in other bands so a bit bleak really"
Eddie Smith