What Happened To Vanilla Ice?

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Errr.... Who?

White Rapper - sang 'Ice Ice Baby'

This is what they are doing now...

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he just done a single with john and edward re bringed out ice ice baby with a mix version buy it now in all good record stores or on itunes lol
julie e
Saw the Iceman perform at Butlins, Minehead May 07,legend. Went through his hits with, i must say quite a lot of passion for someone who at one point of the evening was dancing with 4 randoms dressed as the Ninja Turtles. Quite simply a magical night.
The Badger
Vanilla ice is as funny as fuck!
Go icey go icey
rap it baby!
gotta have a come back -
MC chainsaw is a man of the wet cloth now so who else we got to have a laugh at c'mon
go icey
go icey!
yeah baby!
The Ronster
I do remember reading that he had a bike shop in florida at one time
Vanilla Ice may have sold more records than me, but that's only cause people with no taste bought his music when it was "fashionable". He' hardly been hot in the last 20 years and he is complete drivel.

To add to this, I doubt the Ice man has sold as many insurance polices as me, so whoz the man now?

Ok look.You fags need to shut up bout Vanilla Ice!!!He is THE man.He's sold more record albums than you have so you can shove it AND get bent!!!!!
Trick Sasuke
he's on surreal life fame games and he's not gay cuz he has a wife and kids
Saw the ice man having a piss in a Scottish motorway service station in 2004 , he didnt wash his hands though. Mingin or what ?
the pilgrim
Turned gay. Saw him holding hands with guy in super market,in massachusetts,....kina freaky.
he was on some crappy TV show where they brought back old has-beens and people voted who they liked the most.
He was on VH1's "Surreal Life".
He's going to be on Vh1's "Remaking"
He performed here in London but wanted 22 quid, thats almost 44 dollars for the americans reading. $44 to see Vanilla Ice! I liked Ice Ice Baby as much as any one and it would have been nostalgic, but that is a rip off. Any one else remember him in the 2nd Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie... GO NINJA GO NINJA GO!
James in London
I somehow managed to resist paying �15 to go see him at Corporation, Sheffield in november 2004
He's on 'The Farm' on Channel 5 along with some fellow no-marks
Over here in the UK hes on the channel 5 reality TV show called "The Farm" with some other no good has-been celebs. Hes fookin crazy and hes managed to piss off everyone!
He was on surreal life and he evidentally hates to be linked with his former self of Vanilla Ice he like went on a rampage and spray painted the set. Its funny cuz even though he was like th worst rapper ever i still thought he was kinda cute that is untill i found out that he was CRAZY
I heard he pushed his wife out of a moving vehicle.
He just recently had a "concert" in York, PA at the Hardware Bar.. It was 7 bucks to get in... Doesn't sound like it was worth it to me.....
Someone in Pennsylvania
He is on the reality show called "The Surreal Life," he is married, I believe he has 1 child, and he runs some type of shop or store.
"yeah, he released a "heavy metal" album about two years ago, which included a cover of none other than "ice, ice baby"...he also smashed up the set for "twenty-five lame" on mtv."
woe kitten
"just release a Kid-Rock style album. haven't heard it, but not bad apparently.."
"He's coming out with potentionally hard core lyrics my boyfriend freaked out when he heard he downloaded all his songs u can download him under VICE it stands for vanilla ice"
Sarah Gagnon
"Didn't he get criogenically frozen and then have an appearance in Austin Powers?"
"Last i heard he was trying to start a hard rock band and pissing off eminem
"I saw a bit in the paper about him saying he had a video of a mad romp with him and Madonna"
"He's going to be boxing a "mystery boxer" on Celebrity Boxing"
"Started a new band"
"he still tours in the states. People aren't lined up to see him or anything though"
"He apparently was complaining about being the music industry's whore a few months ago, lol"
"Appeared in "The New Guy" as a record store employee who thinks he's a bouncer. Pretty funny."
"I just saw him in the movie The New Guy."