What Happened To Tiffany?

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Errr.... Who?


This is what they are doing now...

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just released her new album JUST LIKE ME this week!
dave baker
'I think shes alone now !'
doug kirklas
The myspace website has changed to www.myspace.com/tiffanymusic

She plans to tour the UK sometime in March 2006 to promote the release of her album "Dust Off And Dance" in Europe.
Married her British boyfriend Ben in August 2004.

Won her heat on UK version of Hit Me Baby One More Time in April 2005 but lost in the final. Also appeared on US version of the show.

Released a new dance album "Dust Off And Dance" in June 2005 and is currently touring the US.

Visit her webiste www.tiffanymusicsite.com for more info.

There's also a myspace page for Tiffany: www.myspace.com/tiffanydarwish

Was on a has-been idol tv show i think
Still touring it would appear. Sang three whole songs one night in the union bar at Edinburgh University.
She showed up at Balboa Bay Club this evening with sister Newport Beach California November 8th 2003
"Continues to release music every year and has also sone some (topless) modeling from Playboy"
"I read she was doing playboy"
"posing in playboy -was on The View earlier this week"