What Happened To The Rembrants?

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Errr.... Who?

Sang the theme tune of 'Friends'

This is what they are doing now...

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Check out MA Freepress out of Duluth /Superior 1974 .
They're still singing... and as the repeats of Friends will be around forever, they'll be making millions...
"They were going to do a new theme song to 'Friends' but there is only one more series coming out (series 9 i think) so Warner Brothers told them not to bother. One of them has a penthouse in new York. Not only did they earn bucketloads releasing 'I'll be there for you' into the charts, but they get paid every time it is played on TV (On friends) so as long as Friends is around, they will be making LOADS of money."
"They sent out a new album in 2000/2001, they are now taking a break but they said the MIGHT do some new songs and there is a rumor that they are singing a new song to the theme tune 'Friends'"