What Happened To Luke Perry?

Below is information other people have submitted about Luke Perry. If you have any other information, click here to add it.

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Errr.... Who?

Was in 'Beverly Hills 90210'

This is what they are doing now...

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He now works in Seaworld San Diego as part of the corporate events bookings office team
Eddie Romplatz
Luke Perry is going to be starring in a love story on LIFETIME this year.
Unemployed again. Windfall got axed.
The show 'Windfall' on NBC is great everyone should watch it it airs on thursday nights at 9 or 10
He has a new sitcom "Windfall" that airs on NBC.

I saw some clips..don't know what to think of it yet. - June, 2006

I've always thought Luke Perry was a great actor. I havn't got to see anything he's been doing lately b/c, I don't get the channels OZ or Jermaih came on. I kept up with how he was doing though and it sounded like he was doing excellant. I think I might have heard he was going to be doing a show on the SciFi Channel. If anyone else knows anything about that let me know Well, hopefully one day he will do one of his hit shows on a channel I can watch.
He was recently on the "Ellen Degeneres show" with Jenny Garth promoting her new show on the WB channel. Also he is starring in a few episodes with her and I think he plays someone she goes out with. They showed a preview and they were making out.
oz has been off the air for years.
He had a guest spot on Will and Grace playing the Hot Gay Nerd.
He appeared in Family Guy and peter tried to prove he was gay.
He's been in the stage show of When HArry Met Sally in London with Alyson Hannigan (Willow in Buffy)
"According to IMDB he's still acting. Well, if you can call it that, check out the site below to see some of the "quality" titles you can expect to see Luke in soon. http://us.imdb.com/Name?Perry,+Luke"
"He is still acting and doing a kick ass job as a minister on HBO's "OZ""
""Acting" in a Showtime (the channel) series called Jeremiah, or something like that, I think it's with Malcolm Jamal Warner too"