What Happened To Lolly?

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Errr.... Who?

Squeeky-voiced English singer

This is what they are doing now...

Please note that messages containing statements regarding individuals may be removed at the request of the individual in question.

Anna Kumble's official Insta account: https://www.instagram.com/lolly_official_akumble/
julie e
On a radio interview she said her real name was Cindy.
she was definatly a presenter on 'x-change' but when was she on disney channel?
Lolly whose real name is anna, has been on cbbc, disney channel but most recently 2006 i saw her on the quiz channels, think it was quiz mania or quiz tv cant remb, and looked pregnant. Think she may have a kid.
7 years ago or something she was in Starlight Express in the west end. then, yeh went on to cbbc
i saw her CBBC i swear i was watching it wiv my baby sister honest!!!!
Definitely her presenting on the digital CBBC channel.
"I'm pretty sure I saw her on the Disney Channel mascarading as a kids TV presenter called Anna!"
"she's working as a tv presenter for 'x-change' or something"
"Shes on CBBC on channel 1 and the CBBC Digital channel"