What Happened To Gordon Gano?

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Errr.... Who?

Lead singer of the 'Violent Femmes'

This is what they are doing now...

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He released a great album a couple of years ago called "hittin the ground" the single was him and PJ Harvey and there were heaps of guest artists like they might be giants, lou reed, and heaps of others.
Yep they were on Sabrina about 5 years ago. And even five years ago I was too old to be watching Sabrina!!
hey, did they appear on sabrina the teenage witch once? it was a while back but im sure that was the violent femmes and gordon gano, they were in it im sure! anyone back me up?
"Gordon is still writing and performing. Matter of fact, he just did a performance at The Knitting Factory in NYC on 2/6/02. Also, he has a new solo album being released in May. He still tours extensively with the Violent Femmes. They just finished up a tour of the US last fall."