What Happened To Skandal?

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Errr.... Who?

Released a song in 2000 called "Champagne Highway"

This is what they are doing now...

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Update on Matty Mckenzie, he moved on from the refrigeration company he was improving at as it went bust (not totally his fault.) I last saw him in Sainsbury's in Milton Keynes not so much fixing it more like stacking it.
Graham Hodg
Matty Mckensie now works as an improver for WR a refrigeration company and although not the brightest spark he muddles through on a day to day basis. Hopefully one day he will find something he is actually good at.
im actually dating one of the guys that where in skandal and hes nothing but a great man!!!! i cant say nothing but nice things about all of them, they tried which is more than alot of us have.
skandal didnt make the top 40 but they were good, Matt Willis made it even if the others didnt i thought they were amazing, i met them and they were really nice guys ands its wrong to say otherwise if you dont know them, they tried which is more than most people have the guts to do.
They became dead cocky & thought that they were the next big thing, though they were not very good at being the next big thing & failed.

They didn't even have a chart hit either so i very much doubt anyone cares about these anymore that is of course if anyone knows who these guys are.

They flopped, didnt get in to the charts then complained that the charts were fixed, sour grapes i think for what was an obvious flop & failure.
