What Happened To Glenn Medeiros?

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Errr.... Who?

One hit wonder with Never Stop Me From Loving You in 1988.

This is what they are doing now...

Please note that messages containing statements regarding individuals may be removed at the request of the individual in question.

More new releases from Glenn Medeiros you can find on www.popamericanausainc.com
There is a new release from Senorita, feat. Pete Escovedo.
Listen to it on the website!
Mandy Brown
I love his voice, wow!!! He's so handsome. He said that he didn't want to sing the songs that he sang, but it came down to paying his house and making a record deal. Poor Glenn... He has a beautiful family. You're so talented and always a legend in my eyes. Your voice makes me think the world of you. Love you, your voice, and music...
Glenn, this year, released a song entitled "Senorita" which is a Latino style mid tempo song which is doing pretty good in the U.S. . Check it out: http://clearchannelmusic.com/cc-common/artist_submission/all.html?gen=20
Glenn's one hit was "Nothing's Gonna Change My Love For You" NOT "Never Stop Me From Loving You" That was by Sonia!!!
Glenn is still very much with us. I should stress he isn't a "one hit wonder" he had Three Number 1 hit singles on the worlds charts! He is a regular peformer these days at the Hale Koa Hotel in Waikīkī (near Honolulu) and is also a music teacher.