What Happened To The 411?

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Errr.... Who?

4 piece girl group, had hits with "On My Knees" and "Dumb", then disappeared. Last seen in 2003.

This is what they are doing now...

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They have just reformed but without suzie and have a new member!
The 411 were dropped by Sony in 2005 when their debut album failed to sell as well as their singles.

They since have been looking for a new deal, and have been reduced to a trio after booting one of the founding members due to personal differences
I saw the prettiest one [Tanya perhaps, not sure of her name] walking in Hammersmith suspiciously close to the CDUK [riverside] studios one saturday morning in early 2006. And the other girl [the black one] was in Kerching but thats long finished i think, was on CBBC also starred hannah tointon, and danny young, and little billy off eastenders
There was meant to be a newly recorded single (not off the album...that bombed) in July 2004, but it never materialised :(
One of the girls was in rude boy on cbbc and was also in ms dynamites video for " it takes more " , she was also in bussil brush and more children programs , 411 broke up after their record label spent thousands to make them big.