What Happened To Macy Gray?

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Errr.... Who?

Gravel voiced singer with big hair. She had a hit in 1999 with "I Try".

This is what they are doing now...

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I was on a train back from London last night 5th March 2016. She sat with me on train and I helped her with which stop to get off, which was Luton Airport. She commented on how beautiful my daughter was and I was memorised as to how striking and gorgeous her face was. I think it was definitely her. Now looking at her pics back home am 100% sure it was. Even more to the point my daughter said you could not help but smile at her. If this was her she will definitely remember us both
Lisa Tompkins
She is a 40+ single mum with 3 kids and with a lot on her hands. Saw her momentarily at the kids soccer the Saturday - heading off to kids basketball, just before jnr ballet. Do we expect her to tour & put out another cd on top of her demanding mum-job?
Papa J
She has dropped the ball. She can sing, but in a time where the black woman is the hallmark of the female form, Macy don't cut it no more. She is unfit, probably overweight and unsexy..........maybe unloved. And getting older. But I guess she tries and she stumbles etc......needs a fit, sexy image, a new band of good, tight musos and a folio of top songs. Don't they all!
the whinger
she released a new album....it flopped
she sang on jonathan ross last night she no longer has her big hair and didnt even crack a smile
Macy started the "Macy Gray Music Academy" in North Hollywood, CA a couple of years ago and is currently working on a "new" album. I think Will.I.Am from the Black Eyed Peas is producing it
she is releasing a new album this year
I think she and her homies were shot outside of a club in compton somewhere
jeff m!
She's been doing movies. She played the crack head auntie in Training Day and then she was in Domino not that long ago.
Benji is a jerk