What Happened To Tight Fit?

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Errr.... Who?

They were a two girl, one guy combo in the 1980's. They sang among others "The Lion Sleeps Tonight". Their individual names would be nice to know too.

This is what they are doing now...

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tight fit all back together and performing around the country
denise Waterman
steve grant was reported to be dead in 1990 but this turned out to be untrue. he is alive and well and until recently starring in miss saigon in the west end.
Members of Tight Fit were: Steve Grant, lead vocalist, Julie Grant & Denise Gyngell.
The following songs appeared in the UK Singles Chart:-
"Back To The Sixties" (1981) reached no.4
"Back To The Sixties Part 2" (1981) no.33
"The Lion Sleeps Tonight" (1982) No. 1
"Fantasy Island" (1982) No. 5
"Secret Heart" (1982) No. 41