What Happened To Point Break?

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Errr.... Who?

They were a 3 piece boyband that split up around 2001

This is what they are doing now...

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Declan went to pursue his solo career and David (Ollie) & Brett moved into other careers and are settled with their families!! I hope that's of some use to you, it's sad that they never stuck it out - I tell him this a lot! (Brett is my Uncle)
(Source: Georgia Harris, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2lL0m0qMtKg&lc=UghfCTQVQ_VhO3gCoAEC.8DCd_sJvJSj8FbDzchI3Qp, 2017)
Dec was or is still for a bit touring America in Rent as one of the leads, there's vids on youtube, my mate knows him she says hes coming back to the uk soon
brett actually lives in dorset now not saying where don't wanna blow cover lol and works on a holiday park n hasn't changed looks wise 1 bit! i didnt thnk many ppl wud remember point break!
Freefaller are no longer together! Brett is living doen south somewhere with his girlfriend and his kid! Decs still doin gigs and a new EP is on the cards!
Dec is in a band called sumladfromcov. His music is amazing, and he has an album out called The Painters Ball.
Dec has his own band called sumladfromcov. His music is amazing.
Dec is now gay and was starring in the musical Taboo with Boy George. he also did a photoshoot with gay mag Attitude
Ollie is now in Freefaller.
Katy Ingram