What Happened To Shabba Ranks?

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Errr.... Who?

Singer - Mr Lover Man!

Check out Shabba Ranks in action...

This is what they are doing now...

Please note that messages containing statements regarding individuals may be removed at the request of the individual in question.

The 'Shabba' shout from Mr. Loverman is now a cult vocal and can be heard shouted at many rock gigs including famously Robbie Williams and lately One Direction (check the video). If you are at a gig and there is a lull just shout 'Shabba'
Shabba Ranks is no longer doin commercial ragga so to speak, however, he is still a well known name on the underground bashment scene. If you listen to bashment as avidly as i do you would know that Shabba is still alive. Mr Bogle aka Mr Wacky is dead (RIP - may your dances live on). xxx
Tygaress (Bashment Queen)
on the comeback trail has 2 kids now
Recently spotted him in a New York nightclub performing some of his new music.