What Happened To O-Town?

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Errr.... Who?

Won the reality show "Making the Band"

This is what they are doing now...

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Ashley came out about being gay. The mother of his son left him after catching him in bed with his former band member, Jacob.
ashley recently had a reality tv show on mtv. he grew his hair long and has been trying to pursue a solo album. he was living with his pregnant girlfriend and her mother.the baby was with them on trl once.they named him lyric. His first single "Let U Go" was actually pretty good and his cd " The Soundtrack To Your Life" is in stores now! =]
there's a new tv show on mtv in the states with ashley - he's broke, got long hair, tryin to make a come-bak and livin with his pregnant girlfriend and her mum! and is still friends with jacob!
i heard that ashely turned gay and he is so in love with deen hehehe
O-Town has broken up, a moments silence please...ok that's enough now we can all move on to something else!!!!
released a album in america not too long ago called 02- and yes i do own it!
I heard they were still making music, don't know if they're all still in the band though.