What Happened To Gareth Gates?

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Errr.... Who?

Came second in Pop Idol and released a few songs

This is what they are doing now...

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Gareth Gates official Insta account: https://www.instagram.com/gareth_gates/
julie e
hes now in Legally blonde for more info go on his website heres the link http://www.garethgates.com/
last week i saw gareth on mr and mrs he got to the final and won with his wife suzanne lol
julie e
hes now in les misrables and soon he be on family fortunes with his family in dec watch this space lol
julie south wales
Gareth Gates, according to stage, has not long taken over the lead role in a massive west end, highly successful musical.
He's on ITV's dancing on ice
he just served me a big mac and f-f-f-f-fries in mcdonalds in corfu...well it looked like him and he had a stutter?
big dave
His new single "Angel on my Shoulder" is out soon.
Katy Ingram
just saw gareth tonight with his girlfriend in a chinese wok buffet in spain ! times must be hard cos someone else in his party left a small tip and gareth picked it up on his way out ! classic
paul - graham-sarah & louise
was on jonathan ross last night and has totally lost his stutter he did look good though and was funny.
hes a speech therapist now
There was a programme about him on ITV over x-mas....i missed it on purpose!
gareth is bringing out a new album with cool songs on
There was a programme about him on over Christmas.
Katy Ingram
Saw Gareth at Kos airport July 8/9 looking tanned and gorgeous as usual. He was signing autographs and having his picture taken with fans, of which he still has many.
Jodie Banks
Saw gorgeous Gareth Gates and his equally gorgeous, sexy, girlfriend, Suzanne, at Heathrow in April after a flight from Tiawan. Gareth might have been performing as he is very popular there. Go Gareth.
Saw Gareth Gates late April looking tanned and gorgeous shopping with his mother in Covent Garden. Neither has he lost his pulling power. Lots of screaming girlies around him. Best looking talented pop star we have and BMG dump him. They are crazy. Gareth has talent, charisma and sex appeal in buckets.
There is another side to Gareth Gates in that he is a qualified instructor and runs courses to help other stammerers. www.mcguireprogramme.com He recently ran a course in Scotland is running another one in Galway, Ireland in August. Go Gareth. I think you are great and love you. Come back with some great music soon.
He recently got dropped by Sony BMG. He married Suzanne Mole, a dancer 10 years older than him who he met at one of his video shoots.
Katy Ingram
Recently got married. don't remember the name - but I remember reading it (legit.) and being suprised
Did a bit last year on that charity station "UK Radio Aid" (2005), but thankfully released no more music!
I saw him in November at a course about speech. My Mum's friend went there.
i'm pretty sure i saw him on the god channel once,singing a wee song with some ginger woman.was really crappy but highly amusing:P
He is still in the studio. As far as I am aware, he will release some new stuff soon.
Katy Ingram