What Happened To Love City Groove?

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Errr.... Who?

Eurovision contestants once upon a time

This is what they are doing now...

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I do know that the singer of that Irritatingly catchy chorus, Paul Hardy, went on to star in and produce tribute theatre shows. One of which being his portrayal of the legendary Elvis Presley which resulted in the Elvis Estate at Graceland USA Inviting him to perform his act there in Memphis Tennessee 2014. He has also returned to his first love of comic book art having once worked as an illustrator for Marvel Comics and is currently writing and Illustrating a Graphic Novel based on his Interest in Quantum Physics and Time Travel.
Colin Dobbs
Stephen Rudden, the lead singer, went on to settle down with his family in London after 2 failed attempts to make another success. He since wrote songs for TV shows such as High School Musical.