What Happened To Melissa Joan Hart?

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Errr.... Who?

She played Sabrina the Teenage Witch

This is what they are doing now...

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I heard she's in a ABC Family Original Television series in August 2010 called Melissa & Joey. Then My Fake Fiance. But Melissa & Joey is going to have a second season on july 11,2011.
The Beatles Fan
I think she Retired or something but Sabrina the teenage witch is a good show.
She is appearing in Sky One's "The Race" between today (6 November 2006) and Friday (10 November 2006).
Katy Ingram
i think , "sabrina The Middle-Aged Witch" still runs.she has been left the house by her aunts who appear to have very sensibly left the show.
I know she recently had a baby....2006
she still has alot to do with "hart productions" their famly owned an run company. they commissioned "sabrina the teenage witch" "clarrisa expalins it all" and they now do various work wih cable tv companies in the US & Canada.
She had a baby earlier this month (January 2006)
Katy Ingram
October 17,2005
She is always poppingup in all kinds of teen flicks isn't she gonna be to old for that pretty soon. I saw her in a few Life Time movies they were pretty good. Oh yeah, she has a animated Sabrina The Teenage Witch cartoon.
She was in "not Another Teen Movie". She was the girl at the party that tells the guy about the slow clap
She recently got married
Katy Ingram