What Happened To Sgt. Slaughter?

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Errr.... Who?

World-Champion Wrestler of the 1980s

This is what they are doing now...

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He recently wrestled in the 15th anniversary of WWE RAW and he is a road agent for the WWE and occasional on screen talent :) You puke!
He was at this years WWE Wrestlemania.
he's a chairman for sport entertainment in the usa now still has some kind of connection with restling i think
Sgt slaughter. Currently works behind the scenes at WWE. He is a booker and general helps out the wrestlers. He also wrestled in the gimmick battle royale they had at Wrestlemania...18...maybe 19. One of them.
Sgt. Slaughter is alive and well and still working in some capacity for the WWE. He was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame last month in New York during the Wrestlemania 20 festivities.
Slaughter was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2004 at Wrestlemania XX.
Sgt Slaughter still works for the WWE as their on and off screen Head of Security. Not on TV very often though.
Last I heard, he was "Commissioner Slaughter" and he was one of Vince MacMahon's right-hand men.
He wrestled on WWE Raw a few weeks back