What Happened To Supersister ?

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Errr.... Who?

Had 2 top 40 hits including 'Coffee'

This is what they are doing now...

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Louise cut my hair today (Tranquillity at Esporta, Sheffield)
they had thier first gig at mine and russes pub in Sheffield.(tinpan alley) Packed the place. Quite good night as I recall.
chris lee
Ahh Supersister, Louise and co!!!, bless em, they had a go at the pop industry. oh and louise, had a great body , clothed and unclothed!!!
an old friend
OMG! i remember these 3, i saw them at party in the dark once, lol. I like ma man...like i like ma coffee...hot strong n sweet like toffeee woooooah and i kno that i wont let u gooooooo!! hahaha dude.
Amy Kember