What Happened To Alishas Attic?

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Errr.... Who?

Had a clutch of top 40 hits, including 'Alisha rules the world'

This is what they are doing now...

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they're both very happy doing what they love - Karen (the blonde one) writes songs for other artists as she no longer has any wish to be in the public eye - they wrote (or at least co-wrote) red blooded woman and chocolate by kylie, switch it on by will young, song 4 mutya and some other sugababes stuff, lola's theme by shapeshifters, the list goes on.... Shelly is about to release her second album, the first one "hard time for the dreamer" was critically acclaimed and did pretty well on itunes with zero promotion, she also supported will young recently. if anyone feels like checking her stuff out (i have, and it's really good), go to www.shellypoole.com or www.myspace.com/shellypoole and no, neither of them are working in tesco!!
Shelley Poole had a Top 20 hit last year with Michel Gray - "Borderline"
Shelly performed as support at Darren Hayes Big Night In concert earlier this year
The other one was spotted in Tesco, Alisha rules the world, Alisha rules the deli counter more like
the badger
they have disbanded and now one of them writes hits for rachel stevens,s club etc and the other is performing as a solo artist