What Happened To Girl Thing?

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Errr.... Who?

Short-lived girl band

This is what they are doing now...

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jodi is in another girlband and is going to tour with westlife
julie e
aug 07 spotted nikki on tv dancing for sophie ellis bextor
dave baker
Jodi turned up in today's episode (10 November) of Hollyoaks.
Katy Ingram
Jodi is currently appearing in Channel 5's "Respectable". She has also filmed a couple more episodes of Hollyoaks.
Katy Ingram
Jodi Albert won the award for sexiest female at this year's British Soap Awards after she appeared in Hollyoaks.
Katy Ingram
She's not married to Kian she's just shagging/dating him... Jodi someone or other, i wanna say Marsh but i think its Albert
Saw em once at a local party in the park...didn't they sing 'last one standing' or something?I think they wanted 2 b the new spice girls.
one of them is married to one of westlife kian i think and she's in hollyoaks too
yeah one of thm is debbie from hollyoaks
"Well they had two hit singles 'Last one standing' made no.8 and a 2nd hit 'GIRLS ON TOP' no.25 but they got dumped so where they are now no clue"
andrew hunter
"they r making a new album"
"michelle is a main presenter on nickelodeon"