What Happened To Leilani?
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Errr.... Who?
Sang "Do you want me" and "Madness thing"
This is what they are doing now...
Please note that messages containing statements regarding individuals may be removed at the request of the individual in question.
Did she live in essex as a child
I think her dad ran a corner shop on Hampden Road in Muswell Hill?
I am Leilani's Mother. She is married and has a beautiful son. To Damien Burke, yes she is your cousin, I remember when you came over to stay with us.
Married for a few years now and has baby boy. Still in Herts. The Page 3 Leilani is a different person.
I am her eldest brother...she is married now!
if this is the same leilani sen i met at her parents house in potters bar in the early 80's. she is actually related to me (her mum is a cousin of mine). contact was lost shortly after.
99.9% sure she is NOT the same Leilani who models topless in The Sun etc!!
definatly not settled down!!!!!
is she the one in celebrity wrestling on itv?
she was my nanny,In the USA. she is now back in the UK
she works and lives in potters bar so you're all wrong! I'm mates with her brother
No sorry - she's not settled down - Shes a page three girl in the sun. Check it out if you don't believe me!!
Got married and has settled down abroad.